More support services for women
As well as employment, there might be other areas where you need support. Below are some national services to reach out to.

- Samaritans | 116 123
Free 24-hour helpline, confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. - SANE | 0300 304 7000
Emotional support, info and guidance for people affected by mental ill-health. Their SANEline takes calls 4pm-10pm daily. They also operate Textcare, a service for comfort and care via text message and run a peer support forum. - Togetherall
A 24/7 online community with round-the-clock support from trained professionals. A good resource for when you are feeling stressed, anxious or low. - Calm Harm App
Calm Harm is an app available for smartphones, which provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm.
If you're worried about someone monitoring your internet use, or finding out that you have visited these websites, learn how to cover your tracks online.
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline | 0808 2000 247
Live online chat or support over the phone. The phoneline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and online chat is open Monday-Friday, 3pm-10pm. - Women’s Aid Live Chat
A safer way to get support if your abuser is in the property. Open 7 days a week, 8am-6pm on weekdays, and 10am-6pm at the weekend. - Solace | 0808 802 5565
Advice, support and accommodation, for women experiencing domestic violence. - Chayn
Online support, information courses and advice. Their Soul Medicine courses provide bite-sized support through discreet emails.
- Warm Home Discount
Search energy suppliers for eligibility to apply for a £140 rebate to your energy account. The Warm Home Discount Scheme for winter 2023-2024 opens on 16 October 2023. - Help with water and energy bills, including fuel grants
Details of what support your energy and/or water supplier offers. Some larger suppliers will wipe account debts. (Also the British Gas Energy Trust will give grants to non-customers). - Vulnerability Commitment
Participating suppliers offer freephone numbers for customers in financial hardship. - Social Tariff
All water companies offer a ‘social tariff’ to low-income customers, which could save you up to 80% on water bills. - Priority Service Register
The Priority Service Register (PSR) is a list of customers who are deemed to be at risk of vulnerability. Being on this list entitles you to priority support in some situations. Check to see if you are eligible to apply to be on the register. - ECO
Apply to your energy supplier to help fund the installation of energy efficient measures in your home. (Note: you must be the homeowner or have the landlord’s permission).
- Crisis | 0800 038 4838
If you’re homeless, Crisis can offer you expert help to find safe housing. - Shelter | 0808 800 4444
Free helpline providing assistance for people facing immediate homelessness or abuse in their home- their phoneline is open 8am-6pm weekdays. They also have a webchat service (9am-5pm on weekdays) and online resources accessible 365 days a year. - Homeless Link
This website is a search tool to find hostels and homeless shelters in your area.
- Turning Point
Health and wellbeing services for people with drug and alcohol issues or mental health needs. There is a search function on the website for local services. - We Are With You
Drug, alcohol and mental health charity. They have online information to help you cut down and advice on how to stay safe and healthy. - Alcoholics Anonymous | 0800 9177 650
Help and support for anyone with alcohol problems. - Narcotics Anonymous | 0300 999 1212
Help and support for anyone who wants to stop using drugs.