Policy and research

We bring together lived experience, research, and expertise to change the systems that disadvantage the women we work with.


Our policy focus

We work with policymakers, politicians and employers to share our knowledge about what helps women with convictions to secure employment, and to dismantle the systems and barriers that hold them back. Informed by lived experience and over 11 years supporting women into employment, we work to help bring about the changes that will transform the employment landscape for women with convictions.

For research requests and collaborations, please get in touch!

Driven by lived experience

Our policy work is developed in consultation with our clients, and is informed by their views and experiences. Our policy strategy is structured around a woman’s typical journey through and out of the criminal justice system.


We want to see:

Our latest projects

Policy briefing

Solidarity, equality and opportunity: new publication explores how we can create a better criminal justice system for women

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Your organisation will be a champion in the sector for breaking barriers and leading on inclusive hiring practice. Your organisation will be a champion in the sector for breaking barriers and leading on inclusive hiring practice.

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