Over a month into lockdown and we’ve settled in to working from home and have adapted all our services to function remotely.
We continue to see a high demand for our services and are still receiving referrals from partner organisations as well as women themselves. This month, we met virtually with 10 new women to assess their needs and create a tailored training and support plan.
Our employability support is now being delivered on a one-to-one basis over the phone or video chat. Together with each woman, we provide advice and guidance around how and when to disclose your conviction to an employer, help her create a standout CV and offer interview skills and practice.
Wherever possible and when it is in the best interest of the woman, we are continuing to search for suitable employment opportunities. Recently, we helped three women into key worker roles, including one at a pharmacy. Our recruitment team are also using this time to reach out to new employers, and employers we’ve worked with in the past, to make sure that once lockdown lifts we are able to offer the women we support a wide and varied range of roles to match their individual interests and skills.
We’ve introduced weekly ‘Top Tips and Chat’ wellbeing sessions that focus on new topics every week all around how to stay motivated during lockdown. These are helping us to all stay connected during this time apart and we love the sense of community this is building. They’ve proved extremely popular and many women are joining on a regular basis.
To finish, here is some lovely feedback we received from a woman we’ve been working with just last week:
"I’m deeply thankful for all the support Working Chance is providing to people in despair. They help us to navigate, and piece together, our lives by enabling and empowering us with vital information without being judgmental."