Over the summer, we’ve continued to support women digitally with their employability and wellbeing.
In August, we met with 12 women to find out about their career aspirations and develop a personalised support plan to help them achieve their goals. In total, we held 10 workshops this month focusing on interview skills, CV writing, disclosing your conviction, confidence and self-esteem, transferable workplace skills and emotional wellbeing. In total, 38 women participated in our workshops over the course of August. On top of this, we provided 51 hours of one-to-one support sessions to women to ensure they have the confidence and skills they need to prepare for successful employment.
Below is some feedback we received after our latest confidence and self-esteem session where we explored positive affirmations:
‘I really enjoyed the session. It was good to practice positive affirmations and I’ll definitely be using them when working on my future challenges!’
‘Really empowering, thank you.’
We’re delighted that our workshops are proving so popular and can’t wait to develop more over the coming months!
Despite the pandemic-induced economic crisis and August typically being a quiet recruitment month, we sent 13 women for interviews and seven women ended up securing jobs. These included an administrator at a national criminal justice charity, a support worker in a London-based homelessness charity and a care agency job. One woman, who has been struggling to find a permanent role for a long time now as a result of her conviction, is extremely excited to soon be starting work as a site operative at a big energy firm!
This September, we’ll be launching our online Employability Toolkit which means that women will have access to useful tips, videos, articles and resources anywhere, anytime and from any internet enabled device. Check back in a month to find out what the women we work with had to say!